Meidän porukasta sinne osallistui
Hilden Kill Bill 1.- pentueesta Beatrix Kiddo "Leona
Django Unchained- pentueesta Calvin J. Candie "Calvin"
Polynesian Pearl Diver "Topi".
(Minunkin PITI sinne osallistua, mutta olen ollut kovin kiireinen. Me olemme nimittäin muuttaneet reilu kuukausi sitten.)
Kakkoskategorian tuomarina toimi ihana italialainen Christian Federico Sandon.
Tässä hänen arvostelunsa:
Beatrix Kiddo:
"it's easy to make a paint of this picture! everything is in a perfect place!and in the middle we have the star of that paint,with her pose, her condition and attitude.... an other superstar for our party!!"
Calvin J. Candie:
"crazy face is coming! :)"little" earthquake..we can see from the distance ! cute face,super box and perfect ears are highlight the beauty of this kitten! bravo!!!"
Polynesian Pearl Diver:
"and don't forget me!! here i am ,with bubbles to celebrate that special cute i am looking at you? i have fantastic eyes and a cute face..but also a strong structure and super colour distribution!!"
Ja ihan lopuksi Christian Federico Sandon antoi Leonalle erikoismaininnan:
Paljon Onnea kaikille!!!
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